Whereas advocacy groups like the Electronic Frontier
Foundation will stand up to Congress over big-picture issues, business technology
pros want someone on their side in their dealings with software
and other vendors.
That's where vendor-specific user groups come in. They
began as a way for technologists to meet for training, networking, and direct
contact with the vendors of the products they were using. That's still the
case, but with the Web's ability to deliver tactical information, coupled with
the growing diversity of huge vendors such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Oracle,
the groups spend more time pressing for vendors' future strategy.
"Ten years ago, it was all about R3, how can I get a
screen to work better?" says Rod Masney,
president of the Americas' SAP
Users Group and global director of IT infrastructure
services for Owens-Illinois, a maker of glass and plastic packaging products.
"Now it's all about NetWeaver, CRM, and other
areas of SAP's rapidly growing product line." ASUG's 50,000 members want to influence how those products
are developed.
SAP doesn't pick up the tab or tell ASUG how to operate,
beyond its one voting member on a 13-member board. Membership costs a company
with more than $5 billion in revenue $5,000 a year for an unlimited number of
employees. The board meets annually with CEO Henning Kagermann,
product and technology group president Shai Agassi, and global service and support director Gerhard
The Independent Oracle User Group, with 20,000 members, has
a similar independent model. That gives members the ability to be skeptical of
promises Oracle
makes for new features, release timetables, and security fixes, says
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